ATV Salt Spreader

Filed under: — Mat on October 18, 2011

As the name indicates, the main way in which people use the various models of ATV salt spreader, is to cover areas of ground with salt solution. This is primarily during periods of extreme cold weather that have caused road surfaces to become covered with snow and ice. There are a number of different types of ATV salt spreader – and you can get the best ones are sold here at KIK Quads. The type to use is best determined by the size of the area it is to be used on, whether it is a large scale agricultural or industrial area or a residential location such as a road, pavement or driveway.

Salt spreaders are attached to ATV vehicles, allowing the hopper to disperse the salt. Indeed some brands of ATV salt spreader can be utilised for dispersing other types of materials, such as grass seed or fertiliser, by simply taking off the detachable deflector plate. However, they are still primarily used for improving traction on icy roads, as the salt used by an ATV salt spreader leads to freezing point depression – a process of slowing the freezing of water into ice.

The care and maintenance of an ATV salt spreader is something that has to be thoroughly looked into, if it is to be long-lasting. Users need to familiarise themselves with the essential parts, so that, should there be a malfunction of any kind, they have an idea of where to look for the problem. Of all ATV vehicle attachments, this is particularly true of the salt spreader, as – given the conditions of thick snow and ice in which you are likely to be utilising it – it will not be easy for a mechanic to get to you to fix the problem. Most available types of ATV salt spreader have specific components, for example the mesh grill provided with some models of ATV salt spreader, which is designed to break up large ice lumps to prevent them damaging the hopper.

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